Total Fee (Our charges for selling the system and installing it, or take over of an existing system)
Our yearly service charge is for monitoring & maintaining your system
This charge covers the monitoring and inspection of the system. It is payable in advance and can vary You must continue with this agreement for at least 2 years.
This charge covers maintenance only & is payable in advance & can vary. You must continue this for at least 1year.
Connection Charge:
A one off connection charge will be charged to connect your system to one monitoring station
URN (Unique Reference Number):
All monitored system will be issued with a URN, your local police authority will issue your premises with a URN and will charge a standard admin fee for this service.
1. Please read the whole of the document including the Terms & Conditions attached and check that all details above are correct.
2. You should only sign this agreement if you are prepared to keep to its legal Terms & Conditions.
3. This agreement does not apply until our authorised person has also signed it. The date next to our authorised signature will be the date of agreement.